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Amazon Market & Competitor Analysis

$540.00 Inc GST

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What’s included in the Amazon Market & Competitor Analysis?

We will do the research for you and generate a report covering all the key factors listed below. On top of this one of our Amazon experts will schedule a 30 minute phone consultation or Video running through your report. You can select which offer works best for you when purchasing this package.

+ Market Analysis

+ Buyer Profiles

+ Competitor Analysis

+ Product Opportunities

+ 30 Minute Phone Consultation or Video explainer


Amazon Market & Competitor Analysis

Ok, let’s get straight to the point and highlight the problem or common mistakes we see daily when people launch new products on Amazon & how the Amazon Market & Competitor Analysis will help you avoid them.

Market Demand – Too little, it’s a problem! Too much, comes with challenges. Finding the in-between is the goal. Get this wrong and you are in a market that you simply can’t compete in, or vice versa, your sales velocity is so low because there simply isn’t the demand. You can have a great product, but if people aren’t looking for you or they are but can’t find you then what’s the point?

Competition – Who are they? What are their strengths, weaknesses and how can you be better? sell more and compete. There is no need to re-invent the wheel, identify who sells, what they do well and launch something better! Add value, don’t make the mistake of launching an average product.

Buyer profiles – Who are you marketing to? How are you targeting them? When you understand who is buying your product, creating a listing becomes easy. Understanding the customer needs, wants, rational and emotional triggers to focus on is crucial. There are millions of listings with mixed messages in the copy, images and in fact the product!

Numbers – From price points to profit margins and everything in-between and we mean EVERYTHING comes down to the bottom line or a word you will continuously hear from us PROFITABILITY. Without covering the above, it becomes difficult to make the numbers work and maintain healthy profit margins in your product especially on the launch stage.

Now let’s look at the solution!

RESEARCH. It’s really that simple. Understanding what to look for, the red flags to avoid or address but most importantly accepting that it’s difficult to find a profitable product, even more so if this is a part-time project. So save time, money and let us help you build confidence. Imagine the cost of getting it wrong….

What’s included in the Amazon Market & Competitor Analysis?

We will do the research for you and generate an 18 PAGE report covering all the key factors listed below. On top of this one of our Amazon experts will schedule a 30 minute phone consultation or Video running through your report. You can select which offer works best for you when purchasing this package.

+ Market Analysis

+ Buyer Profiles

+ Competitor Analysis

+ Product Opportunities

+ 30 Minute Phone Consultation or Video explainer